Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gone Fishing

This past Saturday we hooked up with our friend A and his girlfriend S (who is also our friend) and went fishing. Webby and I do not fish. Not that we can't, we just don't. But the girls have been playing fishing for the better part of a year. Sweetie Heart has been asking if she could go fishing since spring. We told her A and S fish and would probably love to teach her to fish.

It was a beautiful weekend so we planned it. Well, the fish were all on vacation, apparently, you know it was the 4th (we should have known better.) And little girls get board fast when they aren't getting what they expect. I think Sweetie Heart thought it would be easier. Fishing for Sweet Girl in the living room is pretty easy! But we had a great time playing in the water. And true to form, Sweet Girl fell in the water and got soaked. I, of course being a seasoned mother, had brought a change of clothes for both of the girls. But I did forget underpants for Sweetie heart. She had to take hers off before she played in the water. Oops. Then we went back to A's place and had a fun picnic.

Webby had to work at the local restaurant and I was too tired to
cook, so we went up there for dinner. We came home exhausted and fell into bed. This picture isn't from Saturday, but has become a common picture of Sweet Girl at dinner. Summer can be pretty rough on a not quite 3 year old, not to mention a mama. Man, I'm acting like a kid again, staying up too late and getting up at the last possible minute. Well, college kid anyway. I need to get my act together, really! I have kids!

1 comment:

Liz McCoy said...

awe bless her little heart!! Soo cute when they fall asleep at the table LOL!

I have a video on jack's blog of him falling asleep.