Monday, April 14, 2008

On whom do you rely?

So I just linked over to this article from one of my favorite bloggers. This really got to me. Sometimes I really need to reflect a little about how much I truly do need my maker. I have been blessed in so many ways, and yet I forget. I think that what I am doing is all about me. When in reality everything that I have and everything that I need comes from my Heavenly Father. He knows me better than I know myself. He knows what I can handle. He loves me with a love that never ends. He wants me to come to Him, to rely on Him, and, sometimes, when I don't He humbles me. Then when there is nowhere else to go I turn to Him. In reality, that is the first place I should be turning, not the last. I love Him deeply, I am grateful for everything that He has given me and yet when was the last time I told Him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was very touching. it makes me think about what is missing in my life. where were you before you wrote this? i'd like to read it too. i need to find a balance. i believe in god, but don't believe in organized religion. humans have misinturpted/currupted the word of god in my opinion. this is a conversation for another time.